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Jeremy Levine

Assistant Professor of Organizational Studies and Sociology, College of Literature, Science and the Arts

Jeremy Levine is a sociologist interested in politics, organizations, and inequality in cities. Levine’s research falls into two general areas. The first area concerns urban governance and the politics of neighborhood redevelopment. The second area analyzes how political and organizational processes contribute to urban inequality. Within this area, he is interested in multiple levels of analysis, including neighborhood-level political participation, interorganizational network ties, and city-level fiscal policy. Levine’s research has been published in American Sociological Review, Social Forces, and Sociological Forum, among other outlets. His book manuscript, currently in progress, analyzes how structural changes to urban redevelopment governance affect the distribution of resources to poor neighborhoods.

Levine has also worked in Boston City Hall on a place-based education policy initiative, and served as a part-time consultant for a philanthropic foundation as the organization evaluated the effectiveness of its antipoverty grantmaking.

Ph.D. Harvard University; A.M. Harvard University; B.A. University of Michigan