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Cradle to Kindergarten: A New Plan to Combat Inequality

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Cradle to Kindergarten: A New Plan to Combat Inequality


WHEN: Wednesday, May 3rd, 9:00am – 11:15am (breakfast & book signing with authors begins at 8:15am)

WHERE: Georgetown Law, Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor, 120 F St NW, Washington DC 20001

U-M Assistant Professor of Education Christina Weiland will present her new book, Cradle to Kindergarten: A New Plan to Combat Inequality, at a high-level panel of national and local experts focusing on the issues of family leave and early child care and education in Washington, DC on May 3, 2017.

The conference, co-sponsored by U-M’s Poverty Solutions and School of Education,
the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality, and the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), will examine early-in-life disparities in the United States and ideas for addressing them.

Weiland will join co-authors Ajay Chaudry, and Taryn Morrissey to discuss a comprehensive, evidence-based strategy that diagnoses the obstacles to early learning and development and charts a path to opportunity for all children.

The event will include a book signing and breakfast with the authors, keynote remarks from distinguished speakers, and a high-level panel of national and local experts focusing on the issues of family leave and early child care and education, followed by an audience Q&A.

The event features speakers, including:

  • The Honorable Margaret Hassan, U.S. Senator (D-NH)
  • The Honorable Rosa DeLauro, U.S. Representative (D-CT)
  • Ajay Chaudry, book author and Senior Fellow at New York University
  • Taryn Morrissey, book author and Associate Professor at American University
  • Christina Weiland, book author and Assistant Professor at University of Michigan
  • Sarita Gupta, Executive Director of Jobs with Justice
  • Olivia Golden, Executive Director of CLASP
  • Erin Kramer, Executive Director of One Pennsylvania
  • Alia Wong moderator, Associate Editor for Education, The Atlantic

Event details and more information. Watch the live stream HERE and follow the conversation at #UnequalStart.