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U-M Experts Join Reps. Dingell, Norcross, and Pocan in “Future of Work, Wages & Labor” Discussion

U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (MI-12) along with her colleagues Reps. Donald Norcross (NJ-01) and Mark Pocan (WI-02) called upon University of Michigan experts and authorities in labor and manufacturing for a “Future of Work, Wages, and Labor” discussion at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Expert testimony was given by U-M faculty, including: Poverty Solutions director H. Luke Shaefer, Ross School of Business Dean Scott DeRue, incoming Ford School of Public Policy Dean Michael Barr, School of Social Work professor Trina Shanks, U-M Economic Growth Institute researcher Roland Zullo, UM-Dearborn labor researcher David Reynolds, and UM-Dearborn Center for Labor and Community Studies director Bruce Pietrykowski. They were joined by academics from Michigan State University and industry researchers.

The event is the third in a series of discussions and town halls that are being held this year in Congressional districts across the country to study the issues facing American workers and identify ways to proactively grow and invigorate the workforce.

View the full individual expert statements below.

H. Luke Shaefer
Bruce Pietrykowski
Trina Shanks
Michael Barr
Scott DeRue
Roland Zullo
David Reynolds