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U-M Announces Workshop Opportunity for Junior Scholars: New Directions in Basic Income

Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan, in collaboration with the Stanford Basic Income Lab and with support from the Economic Security Project, invite applications to participate in a three-day workshop May 18-20, 2018, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The workshop will be the first to take an in-depth look at basic income as a poverty alleviation strategy and spur the next generation of research on basic income studies.

The application deadline is Friday, February 16, 2018

Basic income studies seek to address poverty in the simplest way possible—by providing cash aid. In particular, interest is growing in a Universal Basic Income (UBI)—unconditional cash stipends with no strings attached—have gained support across the political spectrum. Such a proposal, advocates argue, might address poverty, structural unemployment, growing inequalities, economic instability, and automation, in a disarmingly simple way.

The workshop will provide opportunities to learn about basic income projects and shape the long-term research agenda. Participants will discuss and debate about basic income. What are the arguments for and against? What is the evidence that cash is the way to confront these social challenges, versus employment or human capital interventions? What are the major questions experts are grappling with about basic income, and where can junior scholars fit in? This workshop will seek to equip junior scholars interested in pursuing research on basic income with the tools to take the next step in their research agenda.

Experts in the field of basic income studies will lead the workshop. Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan will pay travel, lodging, and meal costs for a limited number of participants.

Aims for this workshop include the following:

  • Familiarize participants on basic income research, currently available data sources and state of the art projects that are underway
  • Present basic income findings from top research scholars in the field
  • Provide opportunities for participants to engage leading experts in discussions on the top priorities for the next generation of basic income research and policy
  • Provide interactive instruction and debate on the various models that basic incomes might take (e.g., child allowance, guaranteed basic income)
  • Provide practical tips and ideas for basic income research design
  • Provide participants with an opportunity to identify their own research projects and develop preliminary design that can be used when the participant returns to her/his home institution 

Sessions will meet for three-hour each morning and afternoon. Participants will have time to work on their research projects and consult with faculty every day. This workshop will not offer instruction in statistics or formal research methods.

To Apply

Applications will be accepted from emerging scholars including early-stage graduate students, advanced doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty early in their career. Members of groups historically under-represented in the social sciences including scholars from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) are strongly encouraged to apply.

To apply, send application materials via email to with the title: Application for New Directions in Basic Income Workshop. Application should be submitted as a single PDF file that includes the following elements, in the order listed below:

  1. Cover sheet with your name and institutional affiliation with mailing address, email address, and telephone number
  2. Curriculum vita or resume
  3. Brief summary of your current research or analysis activities and interests and how they relate to basic income (about 2 pages, 1 inch margins, 11 font)
  4. Description of how participation in the workshop will benefit your research and/or long-term career goals (no more than 2 pages)

For questions about the content, structure, objectives or applying for the workshop, contact Poverty Solutions at

The deadline for receipt of applications is 5 PM Eastern Time on Friday, February 16, 2018. Selected applicants will be notified no later than Friday, March 16, 2018.

RFA 2017 New Directions in Basic Income Workshop