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U-M convenes Midwest Mobility from Poverty Network to promote economic mobility in region

The University of Michigan will host the first meeting of the Midwest Mobility from Poverty Network, a group of academic institutions working to advance and expand strategies to connect university-based poverty research to the public.

Led by the Poverty Solutions initiative at U-M, the event will explore how to use rapid response data and analysis in partnership with communities and governments to enhance mobility and reduce poverty.

The Midwest Mobility from Poverty Network is part of a nearly $2 million effort supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to expand and connect established university centers to build on successful models of action-based research and engagement.

The Network steering committee includes Poverty Solutions along with the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin, the Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development at Case Western Reserve University, the University of Chicago Poverty Lab at Urban Labs, and the Kirwan Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University.

“We know that increasing mobility from poverty in the U.S. requires action-based partnerships across the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, government and universities,” said H. Luke Shaefer, director of Poverty Solutions and associate professor at U-M’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. “We’ve begun to see the promise this approach holds here in Michigan and in Detroit, as well as in other regions with the great work of our partners. Through this expansion, we hope it can be applied to other places to increase mobility from poverty.”

The convening is the first step in working alongside midwestern universities to further data-driven policies, including releasing a roadmap on best practices and providing technical assistance. The network hopes to engage both large institutions, like the ones on the steering committee, and smaller institutions as they seek to make impact.

PLACE: Blau Hall, U-M Ross School of Business, 701 Tappan Ave., Ann Arbor

DATE: Wednesday, May 8, 2019

8:30am: Registration & Coffee

9:00-9:20am: Welcome & Opening Remarks
H. Luke Shaefer, Director of Poverty Solutions

9:20am: Brainstorm session: What does a useful network look like?

10:00-10:45am: University of Chicago | Carmelo Barbaro, Executive Director, Poverty Lab at the Urban Labs

10:45-10:55am: Break

10:55-11:40am: Case Western Reserve University | Claudia Coulton, The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development

11:40am-12:25pm: University of Wisconsin, Madison | Hilary Shager and Katherine Magnuson, Institute for Research on Poverty

12:25-1:20pm: Lunch

1:25-2:10pm: The Ohio State University | Darrick Hamilton, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

2:10-3:10pm: University of Michigan| Detroit Partnership: Patrick Cooney, Poverty Solutions; Communications: Kristen Kerecman, Poverty Solutions; Working with Students: Liz Gerber, Program in Practical Policy Engagement, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

3:10-3:20pm: Break

3:20-4:45pm: Deep Dive and Small Group Problem Solving

4:45-5:00pm: Closing Remarks
H. Luke Shaefer, Director of Poverty Solutions

INFORMATION: Free to the public; RSVP required.