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Leonymae Aumentado

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Leonymae Aumentado

Senior Project Manager

Leonymae Aumentado is a senior project manager at Poverty Solutions, where she supports various research and strategic projects, including the Detroit Financial Well-Being Innovation Challenge and Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor. Previously, she was a research assistant at Poverty Solutions and assisted with policy research, program evaluation, and case management. Prior to attending graduate school, Aumentado worked as a regulatory team lead at a consulting firm where she assisted companies with complying with Food and Drug Administration and other federal regulations. Aumentado has also worked or volunteered on research and analysis projects concerned with state and local public health guidance, anti-human trafficking, and local rental assistance.

Master’s degree in public policy and a certificate in healthy cities, University of Michigan; and bachelor’s degree in economics and public policy, College of William & Mary.


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Land Contracts

Poverty Solutions and its partners have explored supportive land contracts as a path to homeownership and the policies needed to reduce abuse of predatory land contracts.

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