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Natasha Pilkauskas
Associate Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Natasha Pilkauskas’ research broadly focuses on the health, development and well-being of low-income families and children. She is particularly interested in the role that private support networks play in helping families make ends meet. Much of her research focuses on the role that grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren. She also examines the effects of economic well-being (material hardship, unemployment, poverty) and public policy on families and children.
Ph.D. Columbia University; M.P.P. Harvard University; B.A. Northwestern University
Faculty Projects
Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Reduce Housing Instability? The project: Stable housing is very important as it relates to economic, physical, and emotional well-being. However, as housing affordability has declined in the past 15 years, housing has become more unstable, which impacts the housing and living arrangements of low-income families. Housing vouchers help improve housing outcomes, but only 24% of 19 million eligible […]