Alexandra K. Murphy
Assistant Research Scientist, Poverty Solutions, Ford School of Public Policy; Faculty Associate, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research; Associate Director of Social Science Research, MCity
Murphy’s research uses ethnographic methods to examine how poverty and inequality are experienced, structured, and reproduced across and within multiple domains of social life, from neighborhoods to social networks. More specifically, one line of her research investigates the new suburban poverty. Murphy’s work in this area has focused on variations in social service responses to rising poverty across diverse suburbs; urban and suburban comparisons in social service capacity; and the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological issues suburban poverty raises for a sociological understanding of geography and inequality. Murphy is currently working on her book, Where the Sidewalks End: Poverty in an American Suburb (under contract with Oxford University Press), an ethnographic study of the social organization of poverty in one suburb.
A second line of Murphy’s research investigates transportation insecurity: a condition in which a person is unable to regularly get from place to place in a safe or timely manner. Her work in this area includes the development of the Transportation Security Index, the first validated individual-measure of transportation insecurity that can be used in survey research, as a screener in health care settings, as an evaluation tool to assess whether interventions are effectively moving people from “transportation insecurity” to “transportation security,” and more. Using this measure and original survey data, Murphy and her collaborators have generated the first ever prevalence estimates of transportation insecurity in the U.S. and explored associations between transportation insecurity and individual-level outcomes, such as health.
Ph.D. and M.A. Princeton University; B.A. Barnard College
Faculty Projects
Transportation Insecurity: Developing a Measure to Capture an Understudied Dimension of Poverty The project: A lack of reliable transportation can exacerbate symptoms of poverty and in some cases even cause poverty by making it difficult to secure employment or access services. Yet transportation is often overlooked as a dimension of poverty. Previously, mobility was measured by single factors like car ownership or neighborhood accessibility. Creating a new […]