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Brent C. Williams, MD, MPH

Director, Global Health and Disparities Path of Excellence and Medical Director, U-M Complex Care Management Program

Dr. Williams has served as Director of the University of Michigan Medical School Global Health and Disparities (GHD) Path of Excellence since its inception in 2010.  GHD is a co-curricular pathway providing medical students the opportunity to work with U-M faculty in scholarly activities in low-resource settings in the United States and internationally, and develop leadership skills through in a series of seminars and community-based learning experiences.

As Medical Director of the U-M Complex Care Management (CCMP) program since 2007, Dr. Williams has developed clinical programs to improve care and decrease inappropriate health care expenses among high-utilizing patients with combined medical, mental health, substance abuse disorders, and/or poverty and homelessness.

An active primary care general internist, Dr. Williams has published articles related to medical education and faculty development, and co-edited a book on the care of hospitalized older patients.

M.D. University of Illinois at Chicago; M.P.H. Harvard University; B.A. Grinnell College