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Bruce Pietrykowski

Professor of Economics, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts, Sciences & Letters, University of Michigan-Dearborn and Research Scientist, Institute for Research on Labor, Employment and the Economy, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Dr. Pietrykowski is a Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan-Dearborn and Research Associate at the Institute for Research on Labor, Employment and the Economy (IRLEE) at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. He serves on the editorial board of the Review of Social Economy.

Pietrykowski’s research focuses on labor economics, inequality and community economies. He has conducted research using community-based participatory economics methods as part of a UM research partnership between Focus: HOPE and the UM Graham Sustainability Institute. He is currently undertaking research on the political economy of low-wage workers and the “Fight for $15” campaign. He has also recently investigated the return to skills involved in caring labor occupations. Pietrykowski’s research has recently appeared in the Review of Social Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics and Feminist Economics.

M.A. and Ph.D. from the New School for Social Research; B.A. Rutgers University

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