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Lynn Videka

Dean and Carol T. Mowbray Collegiate Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work

Lynn Videka began her clinical career as a nurse health-educator in Chicago in 1972 and held clinical supervisory and consultant positions in New York State during the 1980s. In 1981, she became an assistant professor at the School of Social Welfare and the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy at the University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY); she rose through the ranks to professor in 1996.  During her time at the University at Albany, Videka held a number of prominent administrative positions beginning with dean of the School of Social Welfare from 1989-1999, as director of the Center for Human Services research from 1995-2003, as interim vice president for research from 2004-2006, and as vice president for research from 2006-2009.  From 2006-2009, she was also a Distinguished Service Professor at SUNY.  In 2009, Videka became dean and professor at the Silver School of Social Work, New York University.

Professor Videka has a distinguished career in academic social work.  Her research and teaching focus on two populations that face stress and disparities in their efforts to adapt:  families served by the child welfare system and persons with serious mental health disabilities.  Most recently, her work has been on models of integrated health care, blending her professional education in nursing and social work, and her interests in health and behavioral health.  Her funded research totals over $11 million from agencies such as the Health Resources and Services Administration, the U.S. Children’s Bureau, the National Institutes of Mental Health, and the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.  Professor Videka is a widely published author with two books; over 45 articles and book chapters, 35 of which were refereed; and numerous book reviews and conference presentations.  In addition, she has chaired 23 student dissertation committees with another three currently in progress.  Her service to the profession includes membership on the editorial boards of Social Work Education, Journal of Social Service Research, and Health and Social Work.

Professor Videka has held many national leadership positions in the field of social work, including president of the National Association of Deans and Directors of Social Work, the Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research, and Council of Community Services of New York; vice president of and conference chair for the Society for Social Work and Research; and commissioner of accreditation and treasurer of the Council on Social Work Education.  Currently, she serves as chair of the New York Council of Nonprofits, a membership organization of over 3,000 nonprofit agencies in New York State.  Professor Videka has been active in the international arena as well; she was selected as a visiting scholar to Jungpa Institute and Hallym University in South Korea, and as a Fulbright Fellow to Bulgaria.  In 2015 she was the Dongxi Memorial Lecturer at East China Normal University in Shanghai.

In addition to her research, teaching and clinical experience, Professor Videka has been an extremely effective leader as a dean and vice president for research at the University at Albany, SUNY, and currently in her role as dean of the Silver School of Social Work at NYU.  As vice president for research, she facilitated the founding of an RNA Institute, and had oversight for eight university-level research centers and institutes in atmospheric sciences, social sciences, life sciences, and information technology.  As dean of the Silver School at NYU, Professor Videka made key faculty appointments that enabled the school to make rapid changes to build the quality and stature of its programs.  She led substantial change in the research and scholarship productivity of the school; the annual research portfolio grew from less than $1 million to more than $32 million.  Together, with the faculty, she rededicated the school to social justice and diversity at every level, strengthened the Ph.D. program, created sustainable global programs, instituted curricular innovations, and increased the school’s engagement with New York’s high need communities. In addition, she worked to increase philanthropy to the school almost five-fold.

Professor Videka has an inspiring vision for social work—one that encompasses robust research, innovative cross-disciplinary collaborations, and rigorous engaged education for the next generation of practitioners.  We welcome her ideas and energy and are eager for the contributions she will make to the School, the University, and the wider community.

Ph.D. University of Chicago; A.M. University of Chicago; B.S.N. University of Illinois