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Maisie L. Gholson

Assistant Professor, School of Education

Within a Black feminist framework, Maisie Gholson’s research seeks to understand how our identities and relational ties to mathematics, peers, and teachers create different developmental trajectories and learning opportunities within mathematics contexts. She actively investigates that which is often dismissed as   superfluous to mathematics—children’s social relationships and networks. A driving force in her research is to foreground children’s and adolescents’ humanity, i.e., to take seriously the constructed racialized and gendered backdrop of childhood and adolescence as a visceral context in the process of mathematics identity development. As such, Maisie deals explicitly with issues of race and gender, along with the theoretical and methodological challenges that these complex constructs entail.

Her methodological interests have also led to her investigation of the relational work involved in critical mathematics teaching, as well as how the narrative constructions of White womanhood mediate young, White pre-service teachers’ development as justice-oriented instructors.

Maisie is a former high school mathematics teacher and prior to that a patent writer in her hometown of Houston, Texas. She is a UM NCID member, STaR Fellow, and a recipient of the National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship, the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in STEM Education, and UIC Graduate College Abraham Lincoln Fellowship.

Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, B.S. Duke University