Marc Zimmerman
Marshall H. Becker Collegiate Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education; Professor, Department of Psychology; Professor, Combined Program in Education & Psychology; Director, Prevention Research Center
Marc Zimmerman’s research focuses on adolescent health and resiliency, and empowerment theory. His work on adolescent health examines how positive factors in adolescent’s lives help them overcome risks they face. His research includes analysis of adolescent resiliency for risks associated with alcohol and drug use, violent behavior, precocious sexual behavior, and school failure. He is also studying developmental transitions and longitudinal models of change. Zimmerman’s work on empowerment theory includes measurement and analysis of psychological and community empowerment. The research includes both longitudinal interview studies and community intervention research.
Zimmerman is the Director of the Prevention Research Center of Michigan and the CDC-funded Youth Violence Prevention Center. He is the Editor of Youth and Society, a member of the editorial board for Health Education Research, and Editor Emeritus of Health Education and Behavior.
Ph.D. University of Illinois; M.S. University of Oregon; B.S. University of Massachusetts
Faculty Projects
Partnerships that Support Confident Use and Management of Point-of-Use Drinking Water Units in Flint The project: Many Flint residents still do not have confidence in the quality of their municipal drinking water, despite the use of filtration systems. This project aims to support progress within the Flint community to build knowledge of point-of-use water filtration systems designed to provide clean drinking water for Flint students and residents and to […]