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Rebeccah Sokol

Rebeccah Sokol

Assistant Professor, School of Social Work

Rebeccah Sokol is an assistant professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Social Work. Sokol’s program of research focuses on evaluating strategies to alleviate youth adversity and trauma, including preventing child maltreatment and youth violence involvement and promoting positive social determinants of health. Sokol’s analytic expertise includes using longitudinal, quasi-experimental, and multi-level quantitative methods to analyze administrative and nationally representative datasets.

PhD and MSPH, University of North Carolina; BS Central, Michigan University.


Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor

Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor (GIG A2) is a two-year pilot that provides monthly payments of $528 to 100 Ann Arbor entrepreneurs and gig workers with low incomes, starting in January 2024. Another 100 people from the eligible applicant pool will participate in a randomized controlled trial, without receiving the monthly payments.

Led by co-Principal Investigators Kristin Seefeldt, William Lopez, and Rebeccah Sokol, the study of GIG A2 will assess how people spend the monthly payments as well as how the cash affects their entrepreneurial activities and various dimensions of health and well-being.

GIG A2 is funded by American Rescue Plan Act funds from the City of Ann Arbor and the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation. Steady is administering the monthly payments. Numerous community organizations including Ann Arbor District Library, Entrepreneurship Center at Washtenaw Community College, Express Your Yes Foundation, Friends in Deed, and Groundcover News have advised on the pilot program.

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